The role of the Dutch State in the business case for nuclear energy

February 2021

Written by:

Mathijs BeckersMathijs Beckers (voorzitter stichting e-Lise) enMathijs Beckers (voorzitter stichting e-Lise) en
Gijs ZwartsenbergDrs. Gijs Zwartsenberg (secretaris stichting e-Lise)

With contributions from: Luciano Duran Morales MFP (commercial pricing expert), Dr. Rogier Potter van Loon (economist), Tjerk Kuipers MSc. (nuclear safety expert), and Joris van Dorp MSc. (civiel Engineer) all in a personal capacity.

Used photos are the property of EPZ.

The e-Lise Foundation is a non-governmental organisation with no financial ties to the nuclear industry. e-Lise wants to increase the chances of new nuclear power stations being built. It does this for the sake of improving the world's prosperity and living environment.


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